court is OVER

So, finally, after months of waiting, today was the harassment restraining order (HRO) hearing against CF (Claire’s father).  The hearing had originally been scheduled for October.  CF requested and was granted a continuance so he could properly prepare his case.  He had signed his response affidavit “assured in righteousness.”  The case was continued out to early December.

Two days before the hearing was scheduled, CF faxed a letter to the court requesting another continuance, as his mother was about to undergo heart surgery.  The case was continued out for 2:30pm this afternoon.  Waiting in that court room, I thought I was going to vomit.

CF did not show, and, to the best of my knowledge, did not attempt to contact the court or request a telephone hearing.

Euphoria would describe what I felt, realizing that finally, finally, the HRO hearing had concluded (in about 2 minutes) and I have an HRO that prevents CF from contacting not only me, but both of my minor children for the next 2 years.

I’m relieved he didn’t show, but also surprised.  I expected he would appear by telephone or in person, and that he’d manage to get the HRO modified so he could still have contact with Claire.  I figured he’d try for telephone contact or supervised visitation.

That was not the case.  I’m not really sure if he understands that the HRO prevents him from contacting Claire, I’m not sure if he’s going to try to establish parental rights, or if he has finally elected to just go away, but right now, I feel pretty good.

The Saga Continues . . . (or, Yet Another Opportunity to Work on my Samskaras)

So, my daughter’s biological father, CF, strikes again.  In my 6/21 post Mom Decisions I touched on some recent issues with his lack of involvement in my daughter’s life.  This has always been a touchy subject.  CF makes no real effort to be involved in his daughter’s life, but God help you if you will not participate in his fantasy rendering of himself as a loving father who just happens to be experiencing a bit of a rough patch.

On August 18th (maybe 19th) my partner and I were hanging out in our studio.  It was past 10pm, both the kids were asleep, and we were looking at some of our Snotter Press zine materials, talking about some upcoming projects (which, for the record, will be rad and I will keep you all posted).  Suddenly there was very aggressive banging/knocking on the kitchen door.  We opened the door to find a very tall Scandinavian looking police officer.  “Gabrielle Congrave?”  he demanded.

I confirmed my identity (uneasily), and the officer informed me he had been sent to my home at the request of CF on a welfare check.  He needed to make sure my daughter, Claire, was safe.  I told him she was sleeping, and he demanded that I wake her.  He then followed me into the house, into my bedroom, where my daughter was sleeping in my and Jake’s bed.  He made me wake her up and bring her out to the kitchen.  He asked her if she was ok.  She was frightened and bewildered, but confirmed that she was fine.  He then suggested she leave the room so he and I could talk.

Jake went into the studio with Claire, leaving the door partially ajar, and got her set up with her kiddie keyboard.

The officer informed me that CF had sent him to my home to establish Claire’s safety.  He told me that he saw nothing of concern, but indicated CF had mentioned the possibility of both marajuana and Claire being “in danger”.  He asked if I had any paperwork to prove I had full legal and physical custody of Claire.  I told him I did have some paperwork from the OFP and OFP extension I had been forced to get against CF in 2009 and 2010, and possibly the Parenting Time decision from 2012 (in which the judge ruled CF would have no unsupervised visitation of Claire until a pattern of supervised visitation had been established).  I said it was in my son’s closet and I could get it if he needed me to.  He made a dismissive noise and told me I didn’t need to.

He went on to tell me that CF was demanding to speak to his daughter.  I told him my phone had been off for about a month and I was waiting to get a new one, since my current phone had begun to randomly power off and had gotten pretty beat up over the years.  The officer indicated that CF said he had called, left numerous voicemails and text messages, and tried to reach me every way he knew how.

This is untrue.  My phone had kept a record of my call history from 6/2/2014 to 7/11/2014 (when I shut the phone off during our family vacation).  During that time, there were no calls from any of the 8 numbers I had saved in my phone as CF’s (keep in mind, the OFP expired in November of 2012, at which point I let him start calling to talk to Claire again – 8 different phone numbers in less than 2 years).  There were 2 calls from what I later learned was his home number – one the night of 6/28. and one the morning of 6/29.  I had attempted to call the number back 2x late morning 6/29, but the voicemail box was not set up, and there was no answer.

Furthermore, I had told CF in the past that I let my phone lapse sometimes, and I may be going without one for awhile, so if he needed to, to contact me at my place of work, or on Facebook.  He had not attempted to call my place of work, and the only Facebook messages I received from him were so nonsensical and littered with insults and threats I did not bother to read them.

Anyways, the officer advised me that CF could, if he so desired, send the police to my house every night on such welfare checks.

After the officer left, Claire wanted to know why the police had come to our house.

So, I had to make a mom choice.  I could either lie and cover for CF, give her some faerie and unicorn story (“Oh the police come and check to make sure all the little girls are safe at night.”)  Or.  Or.  I could tell her the truth.  So, I told her the truth.  I told her that CF had made up a nasty story about Jake and me so the police would come to our house.

The next day I filed for a harassment restraining order.  I checked my Facebook account before doing so, and found a long message, insulting me, referencing my past as a sex worker, saying things like “Does Jake know all the things you’ve done to me?”  and “Victim of Viktor (his spelling)?  You sure loved that 2-3k in your purse each day.”

What really disturbed me about his message, and his subsequent affidavit (which I will not post here because such blatant mockery is unkind) is that he still, after all this time, does not think his behavior should have consequences.  He says the “sadly we could not work it (our relationship) out.”  Our relationship did not end because we “couldn’t work it out.”  He abused me verbally, emotionally, and sexually while we were together.  The final straw came when he violently assaulted me while I was holding Claire (11 months old at the time).  I left him, saying I needed some time to think, and instead of giving me time, he proceeded to call and threaten me and members of my family until I decided to get an OFP.

Our hearing was set for 10/27, but of course he got a continuance.  Probably because he couldn’t afford to come up here or doesn’t have transportation or needs more time to concoct some really nasty stories to present in court.

Regardless, it’s been a very stressful time for me and my family.  So, I’ve been meditating every day, repeating mantra throughout the day to derail negative thoughts, and have reinvigorated my personal practice and my teaching practice.  I have had to withdraw from 2 of my 4 classes at Bemidji State University due to anxiety/stress, but I’m using this as an opportunity to focus more fully on the 2 I am still enrolled in.

I’ve also begun working with Kapalbhati Pranayama, the skull shining breath.  I haven’t really done much with pranayama in my personal practice, other than the 3 part Dirgha breath, and Nadi Shodhana.

Most importantly, I’ve come to realize that I have a fear samskara (samskaras are imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience in this or previous lives, which then influence all of one’s nature, responses, states of mind, etc.), which predisposes me to anxiety.  So, I’ve been working on that.  In fact, recently I have had the experience of my body having panic attacks, while my mind watches, only occasionally getting pulled into the panic as well.  And I’ve been able to pull it back.  Not immediately, but this is a huge step for me.

I owe so much to Jake in this.  I was really getting kind of basket case-y as the original court date drew closer, and he sat me down and reminded me of who I was.  He said “You’re a yogi.  You don’t HAVE to feel this way.  You’ve trained and worked so you can have a choice.”

It’s always strange to make that choice.  But so liberating.  I still get stuck in my old patterns (I’m sure my tone at different points throughout this post shows that), but now I have the choice to step off that old tired path.  It is an ongoing practice.  Every day.  But I am making a choice to let go of fear.  I just keep having to remind myself “You don’t have to be afraid today.  Today, just breathe.”

Untitled 6/21/2014 – Mom Decisions

I made a choice last night, to be brutally honest, and stand up for my 5 year old daughter, Claire.

In 2009 I left her father, CF, about a month before she turned a year old.  I’ve written about it extensively in my zine when the crash meets something solid and it’s also come up in some of the pieces on this blog and (specifically in the creative non-fiction piece “Mother is the Water of the World.”  So, this won’t be the most detailed thing I’ve ever written about it.

Anyways, since my Order for Protection expired against CF in late 2012, I have worked very hard to be kind and civil.  I have encouraged his relationship with Claire, even though that has consisted of 1 hour long visit at Cupcake in Mpls and a smattering of phone calls.  He has seen his child once since September of 2010.

He is court-ordered to pay $53 a month in child support.  I long ago made peace with the fact that his payments will always be as late as they legally can be, and the bare minimum.  The past 2 months in a row, he’s offered to send extra money, and then not.  No mention of his offer, no explanation, just not followed through.

When I confronted him about this, his response was along the lines of “how dare you be so petty and try to instigate negativity” etc etc.

It took me a while to find the words for why the child support thing had suddenly started bothering me – it was an excuse.  A way for me to avoid the real issue.

For over a year, CF has been talking about getting a car and coming up to visit Claire, or have her spend weekends at the home he shares with his partner (FR) and their 18 month old (?) daughter.  I’ve always acted supportive of this plan, because I knew it wasn’t going to come to fruition.  Neither one of them work, and scrape by on FR’s disability payments.  I think CF has given me about 10 different “FOR SURE” dates he would have a car and come to see Claire.

I don’t want him around Claire.  That’s the real problem.  That’s the root issue.  CF is a narcissistic sociopath.  One of the last times we talked on the phone, he launched into this huge story about how he had gone to Walmart to buy a television, which turned out to be out of stock.  He bragged about how “by the time he was through with those clowns” he had gotten the floor model at a huge discount, and a $300 gift card to compensate him for his trouble.  He then told me about a defective microwave he had purchased on a recent Walmart shopping binge (the day he told me this story, his May child support payment was 3 days late already), and how he had plans to return it to one of the “classier” Walmarts out in the suburbs and try to get a similar result.

There are a million other things like that I could type here, a thousand anecdotes of his self-centered, materialistic nastiness I could repeat, but I won’t.  I don’t want my daughter learning what he has to teach.  My partner, Jake, and I do our best to teach Claire and Jorah to operate with an open and loving heart in everything they do.

And I had to tell CF why I don’t want him around Claire.  Because I worry about not only her physical safety with him (I am somewhat skeptical of his recent claims of sobriety, and I know FR has a son she no longer has custody of), and what he’ll teach her on a basic moral and human level.

If he was a super involved dad and I happened to disagree with his political or religious views, that would be one thing.  But he’s not.  He’s seen his child once since 2010.  And he always has an excuse.  I can’t imagine not seeing either one of my children for that long.  It would drive me insane.  I do feel bad for him, but I don’t trust him.  And I would never leave either one of my children in the care of a person I didn’t trust.

I can’t do it just to be “nice” and “give him a chance.”  Not when it feels wrong all the way deep down into my guts.  I have to listen to that.